
Snow Apocalypse Continues

Massive continental wide snow blitzes are becoming more common occurrences as we dive deeper into the onrushing Grand Solar Minimum. Historic, massive, atmospheric river, unprecedented, first time ever are words being used in the press for these storms that are striking across the northern hemisphere.

Every scientist knows, not just the fictional 97 percent of the supposed global warming cheerleaders, but 100 percent of scientists know that the sun is going through a sleepy period which is increasing cosmic ray touchdowns into the atmosphere (increasing cloud coverage and precipitation) and diminishing its power to keep us warm. Whether snow or rain we have a lot of it.

Physics is the most basic science and man-made global warming computer models do not measure up to anything even remotely approaching the hard reality of physics. In this case its astrophysics and what is happening to the sun, magnetic field changes, decreasing solar wind, decreasing magnetic protection of the earth from cosmic rays, decreasing ultraviolet rays whose effect is now rapid cooling of the upper atmosphere and many other variables that are effecting both climate and weather.

Storm after storm so that in California is plaguing America, for instance, we read that the snow is piling up so deep that plows cannot even not tackle it and cities are scrambling to find places to pile the snow up. Forecasters are predicting more than seven feet of new snow in the Sierras on top of snow that is making skiing impossible. Yesterday, the 21st of February another major winter storm pounded Arizona and the high country measured the snowfall in feet, not inches. This storm is dropping snow in some unusually low elevations. Up to four feet of snow was expected to fall in the higher elevations.

When you live in a climate that wants to murder you with freezing temperatures, any of the global warming nonsense doesn’t have much bite to it. However, they even have the kids getting hysterical about man-made global warming when we have both natural and man-made cooling. (See the six horsemen of cold climate change.) Global warming is the biggest snow job on the planet.

Where do you go when you live in a climate that becomes hostile to life – where the snow becomes so deep and the cold so biting that it takes too many resources to survive? More than 680 temperature records were broken or tied during the first week of February and some people froze to death in their own homes. Out West, high temperatures will continue to run 10-20 degrees below average along and west of the Continental Divide. For certain people we have to spell this out loud, that’s below not above normal as one might think if we honestly living in one of the warmest years in recent history.

Scientists are predicting that the weather patterns and extreme shifts in temperature are only going to worsen as the Grand Solar Minimum deepens so imagine trying to survive even worse polar vortexes when your power could be knocked out for days or even weeks. In Siberia they are experiencing many record lows as well where average daily temperatures are running 12-18°C below normal. In the Irkutsk region, on the evening of 2 February, the air cooled to -48°C, in the Novosibirsk region to -44°C, Kemerovo to -42°C, and Tomsk to -45°, in Evenkia to -53°C.

Signs of things to come? Another huge storm affecting huge amounts of people struck last week. A wall of winter weather rolling across a wide swath of the northern United States last Tuesday brought sleet, snow, ice and commuter headaches to more than 100 million people from Seattle to New York. “This storm is unique in that it brought a significant storm to Seattle and a wintry mess to so many big cities– Chicago, Detroit, New York and Boston,” AccuWeather meteorologist Tyler Roys said. “When you include the South, the storm is impacting almost every part of the United States in some shape or form.”

Ten days later the headlines read: A powerful storm that began its journey Sunday in California will roar across the country over the next two to three days, spreading heavy snow, torrential rain and crippling ice to more than 200 million Americans. That’s about 60 percent of the population, AccuWeather said. “Parts of 39 of the 48 contiguous United States will be touched by the massive storm, including every state east of the Mississippi River.”

Sure is looking like a mild snow-less winter across the northern hemisphere, just as predicted by man-made global warming experts who are now preaching the end of the world. Heavy snowfall last Saturday broke a 35-year record in Galyat in India as more than 12 feet snowfall was recorded during 20 days of the current winter season. The heavy snowfall has not only limited tourist movements but also trapped hundreds of thousands of natives in their houses as main Murree road, Ayubia, Khanuspur, Nathiagali and dozens of other link roads are blocked by snow and landslides. A severe shortage of food items, petrol, oil, firewood, medicines and other necessities of life are being widely reported.

With much less snow combat shopping was reported in Seattle. Grocery stores around Seattle saw their shelves cleared of eggs, milk, liquor and more as shoppers stocked up in fear of being snowed in for the weekend – or even longer. “Seriously. Today is the day before the storm. Stock up. If you don’t use it, save it,” wrote the Washington Emergency Management on Twitter. At the Safeway in White Center last night, shoppers were lined up down every aisle waiting to check out.

Several ski resorts in the Eastern Sierra and Tahoe closed part or all operations in early February because of a blizzard that dropped as much as 9 feet of snow on the area. Historic snowfall in Hamilton, Ontario. The event, which lasted 23 hours, dumped more than 20 cm of snow on Hamiliton, said Environment Canada. It was the snowiest January 28 in Hamilton history. The previous record was set in 2009 when 11.6 cm fell.

Coldest air mass ever recorded in Japan! A cold air mass with a temperature of minus 24.4 C, the lowest seen since it began compiling such data in 1957, was hovering about 1,500 meters above Sapporo, where the mercury dropped to minus 12.5 in the morning. The temperature in the town of Oketo sank to minus 22.7. For those who like to make fun out of the differences between climate and weather its not the warmest its the coldest air mass ever recorded.

The Sun, Not CO2 Drives Global Warming and Cooling

According to NASA it is the sun that drives climate. Global warming and cooling are driven by the sun, specifically by the solar-sourced Interplanetary Magnetic Field, which regulates incoming cosmic rays, in turn governing cloudiness and thus global temperature (the breathtakingly elegant Svensmark Theory).

Only watch this video if you are interested in climate science

If you want to read a convoluted CO2 propaganda piece that deserves the Junk Science of the Year Award and how desperate climate scientists are to convince it is CO2 that governs our climate read: Colonization of the Americas at the end of the 15th Century killed so many people, it disturbed Earth’s climate. That’s the conclusion of scientists from University College London, UK. “The team says the disruption that followed European settlement led to a huge swathe of abandoned agricultural land being reclaimed by fast-growing trees and other vegetation. This pulled down enough carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the atmosphere to eventually chill the planet.”

The Big Lie and Unending Propaganda

Or you want to read a sickening piece about climate change deniers and study the depths of dark propaganda. Everyday someone is publishing something about man-made global warming insisting with words that it is true. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, however, these words are small and affecting weak minds. Reality stands up taller than computer models and all the words published by news and governmental organizations.

No matter what they say the sun has just entered its Grand Solar Minimum meaning the Earth will cool and snow will increase dramatically, as it is now, because of the increasing cloud coverage caused by increasing cosmic rays which are caused by decreasing solar winds and decreasing magnetic protection around the earth.


  • Mark Sircus says:

    Flagstaff – Almost 3 ft of snow in 24 hrs sets new record. Not just for February 21st, but for ANY day of the year in more than a century.

    Thursday set the all-time daily record for snowfall in Flagstaff, Arizona, with 35.9 inches (91.2 cm) of snow. The previous record of 31 inches (78.7 cm) was set more than a century ago, on Dec. 30, 1915.

  • empiricist2 says:

    And remember when they were talking about the coming ice age in the 70s? Most don’t remember. Anyway the data showed cooling from the 30s to the 80s. Magically the data no longer shows this cooling. They’ve adjusted the numbers. Also remember the ozone hole was large from fluorochlorocarbons? R12 etc? Well they banned that and the ozone hole closed quite a bit. This all correlates with a temp increase starting in the 80s and ending in 2000 or so when the ozone hole closed. Dr Lu from Univ of Waterloo has studied this and shows the resumption of the cooling trend. And we appear to be in for another mini ice age as in the middle ages due to the grand solar minimum coming. A Russian woman researcher has been claiming this and has excellent correlation with past cooling and warming. CO2 levels do not correlate with cooling and warming. CO2 is good for plants and crops will flourish with more CO2. The GMO folks don’t like this idea. They want to save the world and make a ton of money and control seeds. What is not a scam out there anyway?

  • There is NO greenhouse gas, Carbon Dioxide is a benign, trailing artifact of solar AND volcanic variations. There is a direct correlation of midlevel seismic activity and the PDO and AMO temperature. There is a likely link between variable solar/cosmic radiation and variable volcanism, but not measured or discovered yet.

    “Correlation of Seismic Activity and Recent Global Warming” by Dr Rather Viterito at OMICSonline(.)org

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