
Bone Chilling Cold – NASA Knew it was Coming

400 years of sunspots with Maunder and Dalton Minimums; courtesy wikipedia

It was bone chilling cold between 1645 through until 1715 and it was called the Maunder Minimum. SC 24, our present solar cycle, is the weakest since SCs 5, 6 and 7, a time known as the Dalton Minimum (1790-1830). NASA tells us that during these time periods temperatures across much of the Northern Hemisphere plunged when the Sun entered quiet phases.

During these periods, very few sunspots appeared on the surface of the Sun, and the overall brightness of the Sun decreased slightly, which is exactly what is happening today. Weak solar activity, the weakest in two-hundred years, has already been shown in climate history to have a cooling impact on global temperatures in the troposphere which is the bottom-most layer of Earth’s atmosphere – and where we all live.

James A. Marusek, Retired U.S. Navy Physicist, tells us that, “The sun changes over time. There are decadal periods when the sun is very active magnetically, producing many sunspots. These periods are referred to as Solar Grand Maxima. And then there are periods when the sun is very weak producing few sunspot. These periods are called Solar Grand Minima. Solar Grand Minima correspond to dark cold glooming periods called Little Ice Ages. And there are states in-between. During most of the 20th century, the sun was in a Solar Grand Maxima. But that came to an abrupt end beginning in July 2000.”


Looking at a comparison of Solar Cycles 23 and 24 shows that the Cycle 24 has been much less active than 23. This, of course, has prompted many to declare we are on our way to another minimum with corresponding cooling of global temperatures.


Europe seems destined to catch the worst of the coming cold because of a serious drop of the north Atlantic current. The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) has already declined to about two-thirds of its former strength. A few scientists have even raised the specter of a total AMOC collapse — a paradoxical warming scenario that would lead to far-harsher winters and expanding ice sheets in the North Atlantic.

What NASA Says

Nothing about global warming holds up because there is one great factor that global warmers completely forget about and that is the sun. NASA did not forget and published about what is happening on the sun and what we can expect from the cyclic diminishing of solar activity.

NASA has admitted that there is a link between the solar climate and the earth climate. “In recent years, researchers have considered the possibility that the sun plays a role in global warming. After all, the sun is the main source of heat for our planet,” NASA confirmed. Despite the constant stories of how recent years have been the hottest, historically, NASA has estimated that four of the 10 hottest years in the U.S. were actually during the 1930s, with 1934 the hottest of all.

NASA has reported: “Indeed, the sun could be on the threshold of a mini-Maunder event right now. Ongoing Solar Cycle 24 is the weakest in more than 50 years. Moreover, there is (controversial) evidence of a long-term weakening trend in the magnetic field strength of sunspots.” Matt Penn and William Livingston of the National Solar Observatory predict that by the time Solar Cycle 25 arrives, magnetic fields on the sun will be so weak that few if any sunspots will be formed.

On May 10, 2006 on, NASA’s official site we read, The Sun’s Great Conveyor Belt slowed to a record-low crawl, according to research by NASA solar physicist David Hathaway. “It’s off the bottom of the charts,” he said. “This has important repercussions for future solar activity.”

see captionThe Great Conveyor Belt is a massive circulating current of fire (hot plasma) within the Sun. It has two branches, north and south, each taking about 40 years to perform one complete circuit. Researchers believe the turning of the belt controls the sunspot cycle, and that’s why the slowdown is important.

“Normally, the conveyor belt moves about 1 meter per second—walking pace,” says Hathaway. “That’s how it has been since the late 19th century.” In recent years, however, the belt has decelerated to 0.75 m/s in the north and 0.35 m/s in the south. “We’ve never seen speeds so low.”

According to theory and observation, the speed of the belt foretells the intensity of sunspot activity ~20 years in the future. A slow belt means lower solar activity; a fast belt means stronger activity. “The slowdown we see now means that Solar Cycle 25, peaking around the year 2022, could be one of the weakest in centuries,” says Hathaway. Here we are at a peak period in Solar Cycle 24 and the sun is quiet but it’s going to get a lot quieter and a lot colder.

Solar magnetic activity to drop by up to 60 per cent in the next 15 years

Some studies show sunspot magnetic field strengths have been declining since 2000 and are already close to the minimum needed to sustain sunspots on the solar surface. This is also supported by independent work in 2015 published in the journal Nature. By Cycle 25 or 26, magnetic fields may be too weak to punch through the solar surface and form recognizable sunspots at all, spelling the end of the sunspot cycle phenomenon, and the start of another Maunder Minimum cooling period perhaps lasting until 2100.

“Given that our future minimum will last for at least three solar cycles, which is about 30 years, it is possible, that the lowering of the temperature will not be as deep as during the Maunder minimum. But we will have to examine it in detail. We keep in touch with climatologists from different countries. We plan to work in this direction”, Dr. Helen Popova said.

No one is in anyway prepared for increasing cold.

The British Isles will be a death trap if the AMOC collapses. It will become more and more difficult to survive in the higher latitudes as it gets colder and winters get meaner and longer. Sooner or later there will be some migration to the south. However, in the modern era we are already seeing immense problems with relocation. Presently we are seeing refugees moving north instead of south from N. Africa and the Middle East.

The Mexicans might end up having the last laugh when Trump’s wall ends up keeping Americans and Canadians out instead of Mexicans in. Mass migration into Europe by millions of Middle Eastern and African refugees is not ending up to be a good idea because many will end up freezing to death as they are already doing this year.

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